Man Wrongfully Imprisoned for 6 Years Awarded $10 Million After Evidence Withheld

Manoj Prasad

Man Wrongfully Imprisoned for 6 Years Awarded $10 Million After Evidence Withheld

A man who spent over six years in prison for a murder he did not commit has been awarded $10 million by a Detroit jury after it was revealed a detective intentionally withheld evidence that would have implicated someone else.

Alexandre Ansari was sentenced to life in prison in 2013 for the fatal 2012 shooting of 15-year-old Ileana Cuevas and wounding two others.

But in 2019, the Wayne County Circuit Court exonerated the now 39-year-old when it came to light that former Detroit police detective Moises Jimenez received a tip linking the shooting to the Mexican drug cartel but failed to disclose it at trial.

Ansari told ABC News the verdict gave him a “heart drop” at the time, feeling as though he would “spend the rest of my life in here for something I didn’t do.” Overwhelmed, he admitted he tried to take his own life.

Jerry Ashford, representing Jimenez, claimed the detective provided all evidence from his investigation and plans to appeal the $10 million verdict. But Wolf Mueller, Ansari’s attorney, asserted any such appeal will go nowhere.

“He feared retaliation from the cartel, so he hid the evidence and purposely directed the investigation away from the cartel leader,” Mueller stated.

No arrests have been made in the case since Ansari’s exoneration. Now freed after losing over six years of his life, he looks forward to enjoying and investing in the life he missed.

Key Details:

  • Alexandre Ansari, 39, sentenced in 2013 to life for fatal 2012 shooting of teen girl and wounding 2 others
  • Exonerated in 2019 after revelation detective Moises Jimenez withheld tip linking shooting to Mexican cartel
  • Wayne County Circuit Court determined Jimenez hid evidence that would have implicated someone else
  • Jimenez plans appeal of $10 million verdict awarded to Ansari, claims provided all evidence
  • Ansari seeks to enjoy life after losing over 6 years wrongfully imprisoned: “Just invest and try to give back”

The harrowing experience speaks to the vital importance of transparency and ethics in upholding justice.

Ansari’s years lost can never be reclaimed. Still, the verdict delivers a semblance of accountability toward deterring such negligent actions from repeating.

Now freed from wrongful incarceration, Ansari has a chance to rediscover purpose. His road toward healing likely remains long, but the compensation may empower him to positively transform his hardship.

However bittersweet, may the outcome give hope to others also seeking truth against incredible odds.

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