These 10 Warning Signs are Indications of Abusive Relationship

Katelyn Morgan
Photo: Photo by MART PRODUCTION:

Happiness and strength may be found in caring and supportive relationships, but not all partnerships are created equal. One partner may be subjected to physical, mental, or emotional abuse in an abusive relationship.

Knowing how to see the red flags of an abusive partner is essential for keeping oneself safe and secure. The purpose of this article is to give crucial information to anyone who may be suffering or suspected of abuse by illuminating the warning signs that may signal an abusive relationship.

Warning Signs

  1. Controlling Behavior: A common characteristic of an abuser is an intense desire to exert control over all aspects of their partner’s life. They may try to control their partner’s every move, from what they wear to who they hang out with to how they use their free time.
  2. Isolation: Abusers often cut their spouses off from their support systems. They may prevent or actively discourage their victim from interacting with others, so increasing the victim’s reliance on them for emotional and social needs.
  3. Verbal and Emotional Abuse: In verbally abusive relationships, one person constantly criticizes and belittles the other. Gaslighting and other forms of emotional manipulation are also used to distort the target’s sense of reality and lower their sense of worth.
  4. Intimidation and Threats: Abusers may threaten their partners with physical injury, damage to their loved ones, or destruction of property in order to create fear and control.
  5. Physical Violence: Abuse may take the form of slapping, punching, choking, or even murder in extreme circumstances. It is crucial to remember that physical violence is never justified.
  6. Jealousy and Possessiveness: Abusers often exhibit unhealthy levels of possessiveness and jealousy, accusing their partners of infidelity when there is no evidence to support such claims and limiting their independence.
  7. Unpredictable Mood Swings: A typical abusive partner’s mood swings range from rage to dazzling adoration. Because of this, the victim may feel anxious and unclear of what to do.
  8. Financial Control: Abusers often have financial power over their partners, making it difficult for their victims to exit the relationship.
  9. Threats of Suicide or Self-Harm: Threatening to hurt oneself is one tactic used by abusers to control their relationships and prevent them from leaving.
  10. Blaming the Victim: A common tactic of abusers is to make their victims take responsibility for the abuser’s feelings and behavior.

Related: Detecting Physical Abuse

Frequently Ask Questions

  1. National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) –
  2. Loveisrespect: 1-866-331-9474 –
  3. RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) –
  4. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) –
  5. The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) –

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Katelyn Morgan is an experienced divorce attorney. She understands family law and helps couples get divorced with minimal stress and dispute. Katelyn Morgan has won high-asset and difficult property division divorce cases. She fights hard for her clients and gets the greatest results. Katelyn Morgan speaks at divorce and family law events in addition to her professional business.