President Biden Voices Concerns Over Supreme Court’s Legitimacy but Rejects Court Expansion

President Biden expresses concerns about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court and rejects court expansion in an interview. He criticizes the court's decisions and highlights widespread disagreement with its actions. Read more about his views on the court's standing and potential for improvement.

Emma Grant
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
  • President Biden expresses concern over the Supreme Court's legitimacy, acknowledging that its standing is being called into doubt in unprecedented ways.
  • Biden opposes increasing the Supreme Court or making major changes, claiming it will politicize the court and have long-term bad effects.
  • Biden says the Supreme Court has shredded core liberties and disregarded American principles. He underlines broad disapproval of the court's abortion, gun, and environmental judgments.

Vice President Joe Biden has expressed worry about the Supreme Court’s legitimacy, claiming that the court’s authority is being questioned to an extent not seen in recent memory.

As President Biden pointed out, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has reversed precedents on crucial matters like abortion rights, environmental protections, and gun restrictions, leading him to conclude that the court is at odds with the core beliefs of the American people.

The President was reluctant to extend the court or make major modifications because he was worried about the court becoming politicized over time. In this essay, we examine Vice President Biden’s frank comments, his view on the legitimacy of the Court, and his cautious attitude on Court extension and wholesale changes.

Biden Stresses Concerns About Supreme Court’s Legitimacy

Vice President Joe Biden aired his doubts about the Supreme Court’s authority in an interview with MSNBC. He admitted that this was a really unprecedented attack on the legitimacy of the court.

This acknowledgment is warranted by the court’s contentious rulings, which have included the overturning of precedents on fundamental issues like abortion rights, environmental safeguards, and gun prohibitions.

Opposition to Expanding the Bench or Large-Scale Reforms

Despite his reservations, Vice President Biden has made it clear that he does not support increasing the size of the Supreme Court or enacting any other radical changes at this time.

He warned that the Court’s health and efficiency may be jeopardized permanently if more judges were appointed.

He maintained hope, though, that the judges themselves would act to rectify the situation and restore public trust in the judicial system.

Also Read: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Conservative Legal Theory, Preserves State Courts’ Role in Election Rules

A Critical Assessment of the Supreme Court’s Actions

Vice President Biden has been very critical of the Supreme Court in light of the recent verdict that invalidated affirmative action in college admissions.

He said the court had done more than any other in recent memory to unravel basic rights and judgments.

He said the court was “not normal,” stressing that it had abandoned the ideals shared by most Americans.

Widespread Disagreement with the Court’s Decisions

The conservative majority of the Supreme Court has issued rulings that are at odds with the core values of the American people, as President Biden pointed out yesterday.

The court’s decisions have been controversial because they have affected almost every aspect of society, from abortion access to environmental safeguards and firearms laws.

The president underlined the importance of the court better reflecting the values and goals of the American people.


The Vice President’s comments on the Supreme Court shed insight into his worries about the court’s legitimacy and the consequences of making significant changes, such as extending the bench.

While he has been critical of the court’s recent rulings, he continues to hold out hope that the justices will see the rising public distrust of the court and act to rectify the situation.

The delicate balancing act between the court’s legitimacy and the public’s confidence is still very much up for debate as the court’s decisions continue to alter the country.

SOURCES: Bloomberg Law
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Emma Grant is a highly regarded legal news expert with a deep understanding of constitutional law and its implications in contemporary society. With her extensive background in legal journalism and analysis, Emma Grant has established herself as a trusted authority on the intersection of law, policy, and society.