Divorce: A Guide to Healing

Katelyn Morgan

Divorce in relationships is never an easy process. It can be difficult to recover emotionally after the end of a relationship or the dissolution of a marriage. It’s possible that you’ll experience feelings of rejection, fury, pain, or helplessness. On the other hand, there is a chance that things will turn out well. There is a wide variety of strategies available to assist with the management of such challenging emotions.

Following Divorce: 11 Steps to Rebuilding Your Life

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The path to recovery might not be easy, and it’s possible that you won’t start feeling better immediately away if it does. Just as there would be a period of gradual acceptance following any great loss, there will be such a process here as well. Both consistent forward momentum and a positive attitude toward the way the journey is shaping up are required. It is essential to have an accurate understanding of the variety of feelings and phases of growth that may arise.

The following are some tips that can make the recovery process easier:

1. Embrace your emotions

Giving yourself permission to feel all of your feelings will help speed up your healing process. It is impossible to begin the process of healing unless feelings that have been repressed are brought to the surface, regardless of how unpleasant this may be.

2. Get advice from experts on how to handle your divorce

It is in your best interest to consult with a seasoned expert regarding the specifics of your pending divorce. This will be in your best interest. In addition to this, they are able to offer useful guidance on how to organize the many components of your divorce, which is something else that they are able to do. If you delegate the management of the logistical aspects of the end of your marriage to another person, you will have more time on your hands to process the grief and loss that you are experiencing as a direct result of the breakup of your marriage.

3. Create positive means of handling stressful situations

Even when you’re in peak physical and mental health, the capacity to keep your more extreme feelings under check is really valuable. Adopting some positive, self-care habits will help you take better care of yourself.

4. Figure out how to co-parent effectively

Going forward, you and your ex-spouse will need to hammer out a plan for how you will share parental responsibilities for your children. Because this is a long-term circumstance, it is essential to take into account the children.

5. Keep moving and avoid getting stuck

When you feel yourself beginning to sink into feelings of hopelessness, concern, or rage, it is imperative that you seek support. Self-inflicted suffering is never bearable and can never lead to anything other than hopelessness at any point in time.

6. Recognize the signs of desperation

It’s possible that at some point in the not-too-distant future, you will find that you are overcome with an intense longing to make amends and get back together with your ex-spouse. It is possible that at this juncture, this is not the best option for you, your family, or your spouse. This is something to think about.

7. Try to avoid a harsh re-entry

You might feel as though you have no choice but to get back into the dating scene because you are terrified of being unlovable or of never finding someone with whom you have a spark. This could be due to the fact that you have been through a breakup and are trying to find someone with whom you have a spark. In order to cultivate relationships that are founded on love rather than fear, it is important to keep a grounded perspective and direct one’s attention toward one’s own process of healing.

8. Use everything at your disposal

You can get help from a wide variety of sources, such as books, online resources, activities at the church, and groups of people who share similar experiences and perspectives as you. You need to make sure that you have completed your research before committing to any specific organizations, books, or other resources.

9. Ease your own burden

It is highly unlikely that you are currently functioning at the highest level of performance that you are capable of right now. It’s possible that you won’t be able to lend as much assistance to other people or be as present in your day-to-day life as you normally would be. This is something to prepare yourself for. All individuals are impacted precisely the same way by these things. It is important that you give yourself permission to rest and recover.

10. You need to take care of yourself

It is possible to reap the benefits of nourishing food and invigorating exercise without having to spend a significant amount of money. Always make it a priority to maintain the highest level of consistency you are capable of. Make it a priority to put off making any significant choices. Do not drink excessive amounts of alcohol or take excessive amounts of drugs.

11. Get in touch with what really drives you

By allowing yourself some downtime, you can reconnect with the things that drive you to be the best version of yourself. If you were to take up a new pastime, such as painting or playing baseball, you might have a better understanding of what this entails. Don’t stress about anything other than enjoying yourself; just do that.

Tips for Discussing Divorce with Your Kids

When parents divorce, it can make communicating with their children more difficult. There are a variety of different ways to approach having these sorts of conversations with your children and helping them adjust to the new routine that your family will be following. Methods such as these could include, as some examples:

  • Give them some space to move around in that they can feel comfortable. Spend some time offering your children reassurance. Hear what they have to say and pay attention to it. Tell them the unabridged truth in a loving manner about whatever it is that they need to know if there is anything.
  • Observe strict order. Even if your family is going through this transitional period, it is important to keep your children’s typical routines and activities continuing strong. It can be really reassuring to provide them with something that is constant and known to them.
  • Adopt a method that is stable and unchanging. Since the children will most likely be spending time at both of your residences, it is in everyone’s best interest to have a conversation with your ex-spouse about the need of setting ground rules, maintaining discipline, and passing on family values.
  • Children need to understand that they can rely on their parents. Showing your children that they can count on you and that you can be relied upon can encourage them to confide in you. Despite this, you shouldn’t divulge an excessive amount of information about how you feel about the breakup.
  • It is best if your children are not present to see the divorce. You should keep the job you are doing with your ex or by yourself a secret from anyone else. You should avoid using the children as messengers or spies in the conflict you have with your ex-spouse.

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Katelyn Morgan is an experienced divorce attorney. She understands family law and helps couples get divorced with minimal stress and dispute. Katelyn Morgan has won high-asset and difficult property division divorce cases. She fights hard for her clients and gets the greatest results. Katelyn Morgan speaks at divorce and family law events in addition to her professional business.