Grand Larceny: Definition, Examples, Punishments

Todd Bennett

Written By: Manoj Prasad, Verified By: Todd Spodek, Criminal Defense Attorney

Grand larceny, often known as grand theft, refers to the theft of items or money that exceeds a certain value, which varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. When compared to petit larceny, grand larceny typically requires that the value of the stolen property or monies be significantly higher in order for the crime to be classified as such.

Grand larceny can take many forms, including but not limited to:

  • Embezzlement: taking money or property that has been entrusted to your care
  • Burglary: breaking into a building or vehicle to steal property
  • Robbery: taking property or money by force or threat of force
  • Fraud: stealing money or property through deceit or misrepresentation

The severity of the consequences for committing grand theft depends on several factors, including the location of the crime, the amount of the stolen property or money, and the offender’s criminal history. There are a variety of potential consequences, including monetary fines, supervision, community service, and even time spent in jail. Theft of a significant amount of property is a serious offence that, depending on the state, may result in a lengthy term.

It is important to keep in mind that the particulars of grand larceny legislation may vary from one state to another, therefore it is in your best interest to contact with a criminal defense attorney.

Examples of Grand Larceny

Grand larceny, often known as grand theft, is the unlawful taking of property or money that exceeds a specified value, as determined by the laws of the state in which the crime is committed. The following are some instances of grand larceny:

  • Theft of a motor vehicle with a value in excess of the state’s minimum required for grand larceny (for instance, $1,000 in New York).
  • stealing a significant amount of money from one’s employer through dishonest means.
  • committing a robbery at a financial institution or a jewellery store and getting away with more than the allowed amount
  • committing a home invasion and stealing a sum of money or valuables that is greater than the threshold amount

It is important to keep in mind that the minimum value that constitutes grand larceny can vary from state to state. It can be as low as $500 in certain areas, while in others it can be as much as $2,500. This varies from state to state.

Punishment of Grand Larceny

The severity of the consequences for committing grand larceny can range from probation to life in prison, depending not only on the nature of the theft but also on the laws of the state in which it was committed. On the other hand, in most contexts, grand larceny is regarded as a serious offence and can result in significant punishments such as the following:


A person who is found guilty of grand larceny faces the possibility of serving time in jail; the duration of the sentence, however, is determined by the gravity of the offence as well as the laws of the state. In some places, the maximum sentence for grand theft is 25 years in jail. This varies from state to state.


A person who has been found guilty of grand larceny may also be forced to pay fines, the amount of which can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the quantity of money or property that was stolen.


A person who is found guilty of grand larceny may be ordered to pay restitution to their victim(s) in the amount that is equivalent to the worth of the stolen property or money.


A person who has been found guilty of grand theft may have the option of serving their sentence on probation, which typically entails meeting with a probation officer on a regular basis, performing community service, and meeting other requirements.

Revocation of certain rights, like driving license, firearms, etc.

Frequently Ask Question

What is grand larceny?

Theft of goods or money over a specific value, which varies by jurisdiction, is grand larceny, often known as grand theft. Theft of a substantial amount of money or property is viewed as more serious than petty larceny.

What are the different types of grand larceny?

Embezzlement, burglary, robbery, and fraud are all examples of grand larceny. Theft by embezzlement, burglary, robbery, and fraud all involve acquiring something of value without the owner’s permission.

What are the penalties for grand larceny?

Punishment for grand larceny varies by location, the value of the stolen property or money, and the offender’s prior criminal record. Fines, probation, community service, or jail time are all possible responses to criminal behaviour. Grand theft is a serious crime that can carry a lengthy sentence in several states.

Is grand larceny a federal or state crime?

Grand theft is both a federal and state offence. Authorities at either the federal or state level may pursue charges of grand larceny depending on the specifics of the case.

Can grand larceny charges be reduced or dismissed?

Depending on the scenario, grand larceny charges can be reduced or dropped. A plea bargain with the prosecution may result in reduced charges or a less sentence. A defence counsel may also contest the evidence or raise legal defences to get the charges dropped. However, each case is unique and the outcome depends on the facts and the jurisdiction.

What should I do if I am facing grand larceny charges?

The sooner you consult with a criminal defence attorney, the better, if you’re being prosecuted for grand larceny. A lawyer will inform you of your rights, clarify the charges against you, and suggest next steps. A lawyer can also advise you on how to defend yourself and even argue on your behalf in court.

Can a grand larceny conviction be expunged?

The laws of the jurisdiction in which the grand larceny conviction was obtained and the specifics of the case will determine whether or not the conviction can be erased. Expungement of a felony conviction is legal in some states but not in others. The expungement procedure can be complicated, but a criminal defence attorney can explain your options and advise you on whether or not to pursue expungement.

Can I be deported for a grand larceny conviction?

A non-citizen who receives a conviction for grand theft may be deported from the country. Even if a non-citizen receives a light sentence for a crime like grand larceny, they may still be deported. If you’re a foreign national facing grand theft accusations, you should talk to an immigration attorney right away.

Is there a statute of limitations for grand larceny?

Grand larceny has a statute of limitations for criminal charges. Grand larceny statutes vary by jurisdiction and case details. No statute of limitation to a few years. Consult a criminal defense counsel to learn your state’s grand larceny statute of limitations.

How can I restore my reputation after a grand larceny conviction?

A conviction for big theft can ruin a person’s good name and limit their options in life. In spite of this, there are ways to repair your reputation after a conviction. Doing so could involve fulfilling judicially mandated rehabilitation programme requirements, performing community service, or restoring credit. Expunging or sealing your record is another option that may help you regain your good name.

Can a grand larceny conviction affect my ability to find employment?

A grand larceny conviction can damage a person’s reputation and prospects. You may repair your reputation after a conviction. Volunteering, community work, and credit repair may be required. You may also be able to expunge or seal your record.

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Todd Bennett is a five-year criminal defense attorney. He is dedicated to defending the accused and has won several criminal cases. Todd Bennett uses his significant criminal justice experience to create customized defense tactics for each client. Todd Bennett frequently speaks at legal gatherings, offering his criminal defense expertise and staying abreast of industry advancements. Criminal defendants trust Todd Bennett's vigorous advocacy and commitment to client success.